The Girls Inc. Experience provides comprehensive and interactive leadership development to equip girls with the knowledge and skills to reach their full potential and the support to actively realize it.

The Girls Inc. Experience provides comprehensive and interactive leadership development to equip girls with the knowledge and skills to reach their full potential and the support to actively realize it.
The Walker County Program is a 7-week summer program for girls in grades 1st-9th located in Jasper, Alabama. This program offers Girls Inc. research-based programming…
Our Teen Leadership program focuses on college and career readiness for high school students. This program runs each school year with participants meeting twice a…
Reimaging Workplace Equality Project Accelerate is a targeted extension of the Girls Inc. Experience. It is designed to support young women through their next critical…
Girls Inc. of Central Alabama’s Hispanic Initiative provides research-based programming including preventing adolescent pregnancy programs, self-esteem workshops, violence prevention sessions, HIV/ AIDS awareness workshops, drug…
Girls Inc. Clubs partner with local Jefferson, Shelby, and Walker County* schools to provide a free in-school, after-school, & summer mentoring-style program for 4th-8th grade…
The Girls Inc. Eureka! program is an intensive, five-year STEM-based program that builds girls’ confidence and skills through hands-on opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and…
The Girls Inc. Empowerment Center is a community-based program for participants 7-16 years of age and is based in Marks Village (Campus Of Hope Community). Held on-site in…
The Crestwood Center offers after-school and summer programming for girls ages 6-18. Our programs offer research-based programming including STEM, reading, life skills, financial literacy interactive field…
Community Impact Programs are offered to community organizations and local schools upon request. *available in Spanish and English To sign up for any of these…