Girls Inc. Week Newsletter: Be Upstanding

Girls Inc. Week Newsletter: Be Upstanding

Dear Friends,

It’s Girls Inc. Week! To celebrate Girls Inc. Week we are highlighting an important issue impacting the lives of girls. This year, in line with our #GirlsToo: Respect Starts Young campaign, we are encouraging people everywhere to #BeUpstanding with the goal of empowering everyday individuals to play a role in responding to and preventing sexual harassment. Help us advocate this issue by signing the #GirlsToo Pledge to unite and stop sexual harassment & violence. Further your support by making a donation to aid in our efforts to stop sexual harassment & violence.

How it Affects Girls

Girls have the right to grow up safe. Sadly, 1 in 4 young women experience sexual assault before the age of 18.

Learn more about the issue

Stand Up & Take Action

In order for a bystander to become an upstander, they need to first identify problematic language or behavior & decide to do something about it. Often, this is as simple as listening to their “gut” instinct and noticing when something just doesn’t feel right. When we intervene in these situations, we can help disrupt harmful attitudes and even prevent sexual violence.

Learn More about being an Upstander


Let’s send a message to girls everywhere that we care and that together we can create a community where girls and all young people are safe, respected, and valued. Start today by taking the #GirlsToo pledge.

Take the Pledge